4 Picture space technology

We take up the main subject from now and at long last. I state it a little about the sketch.A sketch can divide it into two kinds of a method to follow from a method to follow in the density, and the shadow roughly.Do details referring to other books.Contents from the next won't be understood if you don't understand a sketch by the density.Understanding to technology to learn again from the above history is indispensable, too.

This technology is advanced toward an approximate goal of oil paiting that it can make the most of various technology.Of course it leads to every picture.

1: It be realized into being for every picture.
2: Tradition is contained, too.
3: It is like growth.
4: Personality is respected.

Technique is divided into three steps. And, it is pile painting technique. You can apply it variously if you do based on this technique.

Why, three steps?

When it is seen from the position of the picture, an act to do on the screen can be reduced in three kinds. Technology seemingly has possibility for the writer like infinity. But, there are only three kinds from the position which forms it .

It looks like raising one life to draw a picture.How do you raise it?How is it made to develop organically?It is summarized in three steps when it stands up in such a position and technique is classified.

It will be understood by reading it little by little.

The1st step

monoral tone drawing

The 2nd step

color drawing

The 3rd step

positive drawing

Well, this grade has a connection, and progresses.
Let's state an example. As for the motif, a red apple is the leading part.

The1st step

monoral tone drawing

Use coloring-less additionally with the color of blue green of the complementary color, and draw the leading part's color because it is red.

The 2nd step

color drawing

Let's draw a surface by the color.Then the beginning will make it detailed roughly gradually.A color to use here has already been decided, too.They are yellow and purple here.This is the color of 90 times on the right and left of assertion color red in color circle.

The 3rd step

positive drawing

Let's express your sensitivity concretely in this grade.Draw red of the red apple.Let's put a shadow, and grow freely, and draw it .

This is the whole flow.It is negative method two steps with one step.The third step is positive method.Many beginners draw it in positive from the beginning.